Vakil Dekho

Our Services

Identification of Trademark/Brand Name

First to identify whether a word mark or device is to be applied, as “mark” is defined to include a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combination of colours or any combination thereof.

Identification of Trademark Class

After the selection of the trademark type most important step is to identify the trademark class, there are a total of 45 trademark classes out of which 1 to 35 are related to the manufacturing class and 36 to 45 are related to the service class.

Online Trademark Application

Online Trademark Registration Application includes a set of procedures starting from providing applicants details to goods and service descriptions with user date or proposed to be used.

Consideration of Examination Report

After filing a trademark application and being subject to scrutiny, an examination report is issued with respect to the description and marketability of the brand/trade name. A Trademark Examination report may be issued under section 9 or 11 of the Trademark Act.

Show Cause Trademark Hearing

If Trademark Registry is not satisfied after filing the Trademark examination reply, then a Show Cause Hearing may be issued, where the applicant can provide the evidence for the marketability and sale and if the examiner is satisfied with the documentary proof then, acceptance of the trademark hearing application may be granted.

Publication in Journal

After due consideration of all the above steps trademark may be accepted and published in the Journal and open for objection for the general public for any opposition or objection if any.

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